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Check out the exciting careers at Spectre below. If you’re curious and driven by innovation and out-of-the-box problem solving, we’re interested in having you join us. Check out our openings below to see if there’s a role that fits your background.



Spectre's industry and economic branch handle everything from mass production of high-level star-ships to rebuilding the wastelands of planets to bring economic booms to undeveloped worlds access the galaxy. Spectre is always looking for highly skilled production and construction managers.


From the core to the outer rim Spectre SPEC-OPS has stood on countless battlefields against grim odds. 
The willingness to overcome any obstacle no matter the odds set Spectre troops apart. Spectre is always looking for highly trained personal or those who are willing to commit to grueling training. 


Specre's SPAC-OPS pride themselves in rapid repose and extraction committed to completing their mission above all else. Fielding a massive fleet from squadrons of fighters, bombers, and gunboats to the most prominent capital ship. SPAC-OPS pilots constantly find themselves at the forefront of almost every operation. Spectre has numerous opportunities for pilots looking to distinguish themselves.

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